Before you close you need to be sure that there are no clouds on your title. It is at closing that you will be handed the title from the previous owner Wholesale Todd Gurley II Jersey , one that has no liens and that is marketable and one that has no clouds. If your title did have a lien it would mean that money was owning, money that some could try to hold you responsible for. In fact those who are owed money could foreclose on your new property if the debt is not paid off. If you are going to pay this amount you can do it at closing.
There is more than one kind of lien that could cloud your title and keep it from being marketable. A construction lien, which can also be called a mechanic's lien is a debt that is still owed to the contractors that build the house. This same type of lien can be on the title from suppliers if they have not been paid. In fact Wholesale John Kelly Jersey , a lien could even be placed upon the owner's property if the contractor fails to pay the subcontractors for any of their work.
How a lien is handled will differ from state to state. In many states the person or company that is going to file the lien must notify the owner while in other states this is not at all necessary. As an owner you will need to talk to all of the subcontractors and suppliers yourself in order to get them all to sign a release of lien form. Only then should you even consider paying the contractor for their work. This is the best way that you can protect yourself from any liability.
There are other common types of liens like divorce liens. These liens come up in situations where a couple gets divorced and one of the pair continues to live in the house for a while. When they do get around to selling the house they might try to keep all of the money for themselves. If this occurs then the other party can put a lien on the property in order to try to get their share of the money from the sale. Another lien that is somewhat related to this one is a child support lien. If one parent is not paying the support that they should a lien could be placed on the property, which will keep it from being sold before the debt has been paid in full.
You will also find liens on condos that are associated with the homeowners association. IF the owner had not paid his or her dues there could be a lien. TO find out if there is on the condo you wish to purchase you will have to make sure that your escrow agent gets a certificate of payment from the association itself.
If you find a cloud on your title and you do not know what to do about it then you need to contact your lawyer. He or she will be able to help you determine if it is your responsibility or not as well as help you to clear the cloud once and for all.
Bookkeeping'the 'dreaded? word is something we all have to worry about. Business owners rarely go into business to deal with the financial aspects of running a business. It's easy to understand why! Who wants to do all those boring record keeping functions? Not many. Therefore, one of the first things most entrepreneurs do is hire a bookkeeper. Though hiring a friend Wholesale John Franklin-Myers Jersey , relative or anyone who isn't experienced with the basics of bookkeeping may be a recipe for DISASTER!
You may have the best of intentions and they probably do to; however, you need to be objective when hiring a bookkeeper if you want a GREAT one!
5 Tips for Hiring a Great Bookkeeper:
1. KNOWLEDGEABLE. Make sure they have a basic understanding of accounting and how the ?big? picture all fits together. The difference between an accountant and a bookkeeper is that an accountant will do more analysis and usually has additional training. So, while you may not need an accountant on staff Wholesale Brian Allen Jersey , you do want someone who has a basic understanding of the difference between assets, liabilities, equity Wholesale Joseph Noteboom Jersey , income, cost of goods sold, and expense accounts.
2. AVAILABLE. Ensure that they will be available and dependable to keep your bookkeeping up to date. Your information should be input on a consistent basis so you can get reports in a timely manner. If they are trying to 'squeeze? this function into their other responsibilities Wholesale Greg Gaines Jersey , they may not give it the focus they should.
3. ACCOUNTABLE. You want a bookkeeper that will keep you accountable. If they have checks or deposits that they are unsure of, you want them to be willing to hold you accountable and get good information for record keeping. You don't want someone who is going to code everything to 'miscellaneous.?
4. COMPETENT. You want to keep your books on a computer, not by hand. So ensure that your bookkeeper is competent in using a computerized bookkeeping program Wholesale Bobby Evans Jersey , like QuickBooks?. You want a full-service package that incorporates your budgeting, estimating, invoicing Wholesale David Long Jersey , job costing, bookkeeping, and reporting aspects all in one. Though it is key that they are competent enough to be able to input good information into the computer system.
5. FAMILIAR. Having a bookkeeper that is familiar with your industry will shorten the learning curve and provide better details. While the basic bookkeeping fundamentals are applicable to all industries Wholesale Darrell Henderson Jersey , there are very different specifics needed for different industries. Construction companies rely on job costing to understand their profitability. While, retailers are focused on inventory aspects. Restaurant, non-profit Wholesale Taylor Rapp Jersey , and service-based industries require different insights too. It's important to have some basic accounting knowledge, but ideally you want someone with industry familiarity.
7 Questions to include in your interviewing process:
1. What companiesindustries do you have bookkeeping experience in?
2. What computer software programs are you familiar with? Word? Excel? QuickBooks?? Other?
3. How do you continue to improve your skills?
4. How do you trouble shoot when you have a problem?
5. What time management secrets do you use to ensure projects are completed on time?